Sunday 28th June 1998

                                          Old Cottonians’ Day

10.00 a.m. Cricket Match OCs vs. OCs*

11.00 a.m. Treasure Hunt (open to Old Girls &Boys)

3.00 p.m. Football Match OCs vs. PCs

6.00 p.m. Evensong Service at Bishop Cotton Girls’ School

7.30 p.m. Dance and Dinner at the Canterbury Hall, Quality Inn, Kensington Terrace **

                                    Monday 29th June 1998 –

                                            St. Peter’s Day

8.00 a.m. Holy Eucharist at Bishop Cotton Boys’ School

10.00 a.m. Cricket Match - OCs vs. PCs

11.00 a.m. Basketball Match - OCs vs. PCs

3.00 p.m. Tug-of-War OCs vs. PCs

3.30 p.m. High Tea followed by Group Photograph

4.00 p.m. 71st OCA AGM


Please treat this Newsletter as a personal invitation from the Managing Committee to attend the St. Peter's Day and the Old Cottonians' Day Celebrations.

*Members interested in playing cricket on either St. Peter's Day or Old Cottonians' Day are requested to write in to the OCA office at the earliest. Subject to the response, the management committee intends to have an OCs vs. OCs match on the 28th instead of having an OCs vs. PCs match on both days.  Please send in this form if you wish to participate in any of the events


** The Management Committee looks forward to having all OCs at the Re-union Dance and Dinner at the Quality Inn, Kensington Road (off-MG Road, next to the Taj Residency) on 28th June 1998. Tickets for the Dance and Dinner will be available at Koshy's, St. Mark's Road andchampgne with the committee members from 1st June. The tickets are priced at Rs. 185 per head (dinner included). OCA members are requested to not only attend the Social themselves, but also ask all other OCs whom they may know to accompany them in celebrating St. Peter's Tide with the traditional zeal and enthusiasm.